Call for Vol. 25 No. 2 (2024)


It will be accepted proposals for: free articles, articles for the dossier and reviews of publications.

Dossier title: Semiotics of Music and problems of musical significance
Dossier coordinator: Dr. Federico Buján

Thematic axes proposed for the dossier are:

  •  Music, meaning and social production of meaning (the study of musical semiosis).
  • Topical theory and musical narrativity.
  • Iconicity, indexicality and significant body.
  • Genres and musical style from the approach of socio-discursive semiotics.
  • Semiotics of Music and interpretive praxis.
  • Panorama of Music Semiotics in Latin America: current events and epistemological currents.
  • Contributions and challenges of Music Semiotics in contemporary times.

Articles must be sent, until July 31, 2024, through the platform There you can read the guidelines for authors. For questions to the coordinator, write to