The Social and Aesthetic Aspects of Avant-Garde Music According to Leopoldo Hurtado: His Critical View in Revista de Arte (1936) and Other Texts


  • María Laura Disandro Córdoba


avant-garde music, Argentina, first half of the 20th century, Leopoldo Hurtado, aesthetic


The emergence of various modern and avant-garde musical trends in Argentina throughout the first half of the 20th century triggered numerous publications in music journals of the time that addressed this topic. In this article, we are going to analyze the paper entitled “La música contemporánea y sus problemas” (Contemporary music and its problems) by the Argentine music critic Leopoldo Hurtado, included in no. 11 of Revista de Arte, published in 1936. According to Hurtado, the traditional reception canons of concert music had been modified upon the arrival of new music, thus leading to a detachment between this and the general audience, and reflecting upon social and aesthetic characteristics of the new music trends of the time.

Our work centers particularly on this particular paper by Leopoldo Hurtado, complemented by other of his articles, in which he reinforces his ideology in the field of aesthetics over the course of the 1930s and in the early 1940s. Likewise, we establish a dialogue with the ideas expressed by Juan Carlos Paz in another paper published in the same number of the journal to contrast both perspectives.

Author Biography

María Laura Disandro, Córdoba

María Laura Disandro es una compositora e investigadora argentina actualmente
radicada en España. Estudió la carrera de Composición Musical en la UNC de Córdoba,
Argentina y en 2018 fue becada para realizar el Máster Oficial en Patrimonio Musical
impartido por la UGR, UNIOVI y UNIA en Granada, España. Ha tomado clases con
compositores/as de prestigio internacional como Hilda Paredes, Mark André, Gabriel
Valverde, Michael Maierhof, Mathías Spahlinger y Juan Carlos Tolosa. Además de
componer obras en estilo contemporáneo, ha realizado el diseño sonoro para la obras de
teatro y danza. Ha sido finalista en el XIIIº Concurso Internacional de Composición Città di
Udine-2020, Premios del Teatro de Córdoba y ha obtenido el primer premio en el “1er
Concurso de Composición para Flauta Traversa 2013”. Actualmente se encuentra
investigando el fenómeno de la recepción de la música contemporánea, temática que aborda
tanto desde la musicología como la composición musical.

