About the Journal

The Revista Argentina de Musicología –ISSN 1666-1060 (print) - ISSN 2318-3072 (online)–is the official journal of the Asociación Argentina de Musicología. Since its inception in 1996, it has had an annual periodicity. Since 2020, it has had a semianual periodicity. From number 12-13 (2012) it includes a thematic dossier whose contributors are invited by a Guest Editor.

 In 2017 an editorial team formed by Diego Madoery (Director), Leonardo Waisman (Executive Editor), José Ignacio Weber and Hernán Gabriel Vázquez (Managing Editors), and Hernan D. Ramallo (Copy Editor) was created. That same year the Board Committee together with the editorial team agreed, after previous meetings with members of the AAM, to modify the journal’s paper based publication and turn it into a digital open journal system (OJS), in which the articles will be able to be read online or download as pdfs.

In 2021 the team in charge was renewed and was made up of Adriana Cerletti (Director), Fátima Graciela Musri (Responsible Editor), Cristian Villafañe, Vera Wolkowicz and Yanet Gericó (Editorial Committee) and Hernán D. Ramallo (Editorial Producer).

In 2023, Hernán Gabriel Vázquez took over as director and the team was renewed, consisting of Fátima Graciela Musri (Editor in charge), Yanet Gericó, Ariel Mamani, Pablo Jaureguiberry and Luisina García (Editorial Committee).

The RAM integrates the AAM Publications Portal.