Aesthetic explorations of the composer Pauline Viardot


  • Patricia Kleinman Investigadora independiente


Women Composer, 19th Century Music, Feminist Musicology, Pauline Viardot


Pauline Viardot, (Paris, 1821-1910), was a key figure in the European artistic world of the 19th century. She achieved well-deserved international renown both as an Opera and concert singer, composer and voice pedagogue, and was a catalyst for artistic, political and intellectual personalities. This article intends to highlight in the first place the multiplicity of possible lines of investigation around her figure, both as a role model of successful professionalization, as well as leadership and musical direction of a woman in the 19th century. Secondly, some unpublished works composed in the final decades of the 19th century in which aesthetic experimentation takes center stage will be analysed. These pieces propose a nuance to the “sound image” of this composer, a musical label that she herself contributed to delineate. In all cases, the importance of the study based on primary sources is highly recommended, to enable her professional profile visible, detached from the narratives of music history built around male figures.

Author Biography

Patricia Kleinman, Investigadora independiente

Estudió de canto en el Real Conservatorio de La Haya (Países Bajos) y piano con Violeta H. de Gainza. Es Licenciada en Historia y Ciencias de la música por la Universidad de La Rioja (España). Fundadora y directora de Proyecto CompositorAs, organización dedicada al estudio, rescate y difusión de la música compuesta por mujeres, con énfasis en el siglo XIX. En este contexto, ha publicado las primeras ediciones de obras de Pauline Viardot (Five Spanish Songs and Duets, Hildegard Publishers, 2021 y Six French Songs by Pauline Viardot, ClarNan, 2022) y dirigido el CD “The Unknown Pauline Viardot” (Cezanne, 2021). Ha presentado trabajos de recuperación de la obra de Soledad de Bengoechea (1849-1894) en la II Bienal de Música isabelina de Madrid (2018), Congreso Universidad del Mar (2019, publicado por, y sobre Pauline Viardot en los Institutos Cervantes de New York University (2021) y Harvard University (2022).

