"Women timpanist": a study about female orchestral percussionist in Spain (1990-2019)


  • Miren Izaguirre Etxebeste Investigadora independiente


Women in percussion, Female instrumentalists, Gender imbalance in orchestras, Female orchestra players, Women in Music


Percussion has been a musical specialty linked to the ‘masculine’ and its feminization is being slow, especially in certain areas such as professional orchestras. After discovering some historical precedents and that the number of orchestral women percussionists has barely increased in almost 30 years in Spain, the main objective of this work is to know the opinions, experiences and perceptions of the percussionists themselves about the incorporation of women into this field and on their own work as professionals. With a mixed methodology, the study combines the collection of data on the distribution of the sexes on said instrument in the orchestras, an online survey and 10 in-depth face-to-face interviews. Abundant topics are addressed and emege, such as the way we “choose” our instrument, the influence of gender in the career, the feminization of percussion, the weight of stereotypes and the problem of equality in classical music. Although there are divergences, percussionists perceive that the gender does not influence the professional career, they are optimistic about the existing inequalities and they trust the increase in the female presence in the percussion section. Some of the unexpected contributions of the research are the discrepancies between the data and the perceptions, as well as the debate about the gender influence on the way of playing instruments.

Author Biography

Miren Izaguirre Etxebeste, Investigadora independiente

Nació en Hondarribia en 1973. Es ex-percusionista, licenciada en Historia, Postgrado en Gestión Cultural (Universidad de Deusto, 1998), y licenciada en Historia y Ciencias de la Música (Universidad de Oviedo, 2000). Se especializó en el ámbito de la documentación, trabajando en diversos archivos, bibliotecas y centros de documentación musical. Fue miembro de la Sección de Música de la Sociedad de Estudios Vascos y en 2006 creó la asociación EMuGE-Euskal Musikologo Gazteen Elkartea (Asociación de Jóvenes Musicólogos del País Vasco). Desde 2010 es bibliotecaria de la Universidad del País Vasco, en San Sebastián. Entre 2016 y 2019 retomó sus estudios de musicología mediante el Máster de Musicología de la Universidad de la Rioja, interesándose sobre todo por la Musicología Feminista. Por otro lado, desde el 2017 colabora en el proyecto Doinutegia de la Asociación de Bertsolaris de Euskal Herria en la identificación, transcripción y documentación de las melodías del cancionero del bertsolarismo BDB-Doinutegia.

